Pleased, but neither complacent nor triumphalist

Well, that was a week! Some say that fear and negativity won the Indy Ref. That’s not why I voted NO. How about inverting that: ‘a reckless, uncosted, unprepared-for project was rejected.’ Is it fearful or negative to come to a calculated judgement along those lines?...

‘Independence’ – or what?

Scotland is buzzing. You can feel the evangelical surge in favour of ‘independence’, and I share the ambition of most of those who will vote YES on Thursday: a fairer society, governments that we elect locally, etc etc. But a YES vote is bound to...

The killer question

I offered to go to Glasgow for the IndyRefDebate, Salmond vs Darling next Monday, this time on BBC, so there shouldn’t be any transmission cock-ups. To help my cause I submitted the killer question, but they must have plenty of white British semi-retired males so I...


In an extraordinary combination of events, the Indy debate has suddenly been thrown into sharp focus. First there was the Commonwealth Games, which showed the good will that can be generated by sharing. Never mind the events and performances, which were wonderful....

August tours

See the Walks page for the August programme of Trainspotting tours. There are no tickets. All I ask is that you call or text or email me no later than the night before. They are not Fringe events – do you know how much it costs to be a Fringe event these days?...