Nadolig Llawen

From the Principality of Wales I send my very best wishes for Christmas to you all on this winter solstice day of 2016. The sun is overhead at the Tropic of Capricorn today, so from now on it gets lighter and warmer all the way to the next cricket season. Thinking of...

Don’t get mad. Get even.

Oh dear me. First Brexit, then Trump. The fact that the pundits didn’t see either coming means the databases they were using were out of date. Something big has happened. But let’s not get mad. Let’s get even. It’s inequality at the bottom of...

Excessive greed and petty nationalism

Time to take a wee break from the book. I’m hoping there may be something to report in the New Year. Let’s get back to the real business: the Scottish political scene. Watching an STV discussion programme the other evening I was struck once again by the...

Re-arranging material

It’s amazing how one’s material can be re-arranged. Some years ago I was talking with a chap in the publishing game who said it was obvious, to him anyway, that my book about Trainspotting must start with my critical analysis of the book itself. So I went...

Edinburgh in August. Wish you were here?

I hope they’re not calling me curmudgeonly, out on the street there. They could be. Not entirely without reason, it has to be said. That’s the Edinburgh Festival over for another year, I’m told. How many shows did I go to? One. And that was with a...