Don’t think it isn’t still a problem

A chap I knew as a laddie, 30-odd years ago, died last month. He was a nice boy. Probably consequent upon a youthful experiment in his teens, he had a drug problem for about 25 years. His own family had to keep him at a distance, for their own protection. It was...

Bringing it home

It’s been a while! Hello again. I’m as keen as ever to claim Trainspotting for Leith. It’s a local story. Leith disappears in the film, but it all started here. Read all about it in my piece in The Leither . Then see The Proclaimers take away A...

Writings of Leith

A centenary only comes along when you haven’t had time to get ready for it. Didn’t see it coming. That wasn’t the reason for missing the centenary of the amalgamation of municipal Leith with municipal Edinburgh in 2020. The centenary was in 2020, you...