See the Walks page for the August programme of Trainspotting tours. There are no tickets. All I ask is that you call or text or email me no later than the night before. They are not Fringe events – do you know how much it costs to be a Fringe event these days? – so you could say they are on the fringe of the Fringe, like lots of other shows, keeping Edinburgh in August fresh and honest, in the best tradition. We are normally able to get into the Dockers’ Club for one of the stations along the way, worth seeing in its own right and a key location in the book.
By the way, have a look at the Edinburgh City of Literature web site, and see how they spectacularly (almost) completely avoid reference to Edinburgh’s most on-location author. Actually there’s a wee meeting at the Book Festival to encourage businesses to capitalise on literary tourism, and maybe I should be there. I can’t because of a prior commitment, but in any case I’m concentrating for the time being on finishing the book. It’s a completely new analysis of Trainspotting which requires a lot of drafting and re-drafting to get right. I have told the City of Lit folk – who I get on with very well – that I’ll make it impossible for them to go on ignoring Welsh.