Scotland’s tragedy

Well, there’s another SNP conference away, at the weekend there, another wasted opportunity for our “national” party to do a bit of thinking in public about what’s best for Scotland. Instead, we had this narrative that is so disingenuous that it’s dangerous. It’s the...

Coming along nicely

Book sales are coming along nicely, thanks to all who have bought one. See some rave reviews on Amazon (five stars, every one!) and on my book page. If you email me I can arrange to send a signed copy for that special someone – who may just be yourself....

The shortest month – and the hottest on record

It’s been good to do a couple of tours for people who are really into Trainspotting. I have a DIY tour I can send if you would like. Some folk ask for a tour which I can’t manage, but with help you can get into it a little bit on your own. The book is the...