I’ve just come across a recording I did with The Living Memory Association (TheLMA – good name, eh?) a year or so ago. As a newcomer of only forty years in Leith, it seems some folk might be interested in me, so here Barry Davidson splices my biography with some old-time music.

Actually I’m a roving reporter with a mic for the online station, and it’s time to get going again. I don’t have a distancing boom for the mic, so necessary in these C-19 days. My line is interviews with people with an interesting angle on Leith – that is, not traditional. I think you won’t be surprised how many recent incomers there are. Leith has been a port and well used to immigrants, and now it is a town within a city, neither a ghetto nor a suburb. This constituency returned one of the highest votes in the whole of UK for REMAIN within the EU, a sign of a confident, cosmopolitan population.

Sometimes I long for a nice home in the country, like in my childhood, but leaving Leith is unthinkable. What can a man do?