Midsummer day. The solstice. We should mark it more than we do. It’s not just another day. A few years ago on this day I was visiting the coal ships in Leith, and got friendly with a Philippine crew. At 10 o’clock in the evening I was extolling with them how wonderful it was that it was so bright and clear. “We’ve just come from Murmansk” they said. Aye, well. Can’t compete with that.

it’s not happening particularly on the day, but this month I’m getting a wee bit more adept in the digital world – I’m making up a virtual tour, and I’m kind of getting the hang of Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TrainspottingTim  and Twitter https://twitter.com/TSpotting_Tim  . Have a look and join the conversations, it will be nice to have you. And I’m on the platform for a webinar next week on the subject of re-claiming tourism for the street-level folk. I’m privileged to be alongside someone who tells a black history of the city. No Festival this year gives us an opportunity for us to re-set August.

So, the nights are fair drawin in, aw the way to Christmas.