I don’t know what they are going to call the film of Porno the book – they can’t give it the title of the book, who could ever Google that? “Trainspotting 2” is all I’ve heard. It’s a bit feeble, it’s clearly trading on past glories. Of course, it might be a good film, it might even be a very good film. It might hit a few topical buttons, like the first version did in 1996. Never under-estimate the genius of St Danny to be creatively original. And no doubt it will make all concerned a few dollars. But it’s a bit of a stretch to imagine it will make as many waves in the broader culture that Trainspotting did way back then. We’ll see.
Anyway, just the shooting of it generates quite a bit of interest round these parts. Have a look at what wow247 says about it, loosely relating it to my tour. It’s a must-do thing when you’re in Edinburgh. And here’s something similar in French. Faites-en comme vous voulez.
Meanwhile, there’s a good interest in the Leith Festival programme of tours (see previous blog or the Festival site or The Walks page here). I know on Friday evening they can’t accommodate us in The Dockers’ Club, but never mind, we’ll sit outside. It will be nice to see you if you can manage along.