At the request of the Dutch tv company (see previous blogs) I and some people on the tour walked into Central Bar while they were interviewing Big Man Welsh. My companions were from USA, Musselburgh, Spain, Glasgow, that sort of place. We sat round one of the tables and talked with Big Man. It was interesting to hear him say geeks like me know more about Trainspotting than he does. For instance, I asked if he set the apres-court scene in which Renton decides he has to score from Johnny Swan ‘one hit, to get us ower this long hard day’ (Trainspotting p177) in the Central Bar, right where we were sitting. Maybe, he said: it’s possible, but it might have been anywhere. We could guess at this, and it’s very understandable. He wrote it, a long time ago now, and now it’s in the public domain it has become public property – anyone can have a view and play around with his creation. It’s wise of him not to be possessive and authoritarian about it. It’s this open-mindedness on his part that has let him trust the play-makers and the film-makers, to his own – and everyone else’s – advantage.
Meantime, the 30 minute documentary will come out in the New Year. They are saying that the tour will be used as the ‘red thread’ that holds it together and ties the film to location. We’ll see!